25 October 2009


With all the research and reading I've been doing, it's easy for me to feel a bit disconnected from life as we know it and also what is going on in the pop culture world.

Getting disconnected, unfortunately is easy for me to do and I don't like it, especially when I let myself get caught up in the "enough" spiral: What I am doing is not enough. (I roll my eyes just thinking about it.) So, from time to time, I hit bottom and have to re-evaluate, re-examine and replenish my well, rest and recuperate.

Here I sit.

I have several wells that got filled today:

My songwriting well
My guitar-playing/practicing well
My singing well
My special walks around the neighborhood with QB well
Loving on my fuzzy kitty well
My sleeping in well
My quiet time well

Namely my "indie rock well" has not been fed at all lately and I was excited to find this Portland, OR band from Ali Edwards' blog, which was mentioned in one of my all-time favorite blogs, Ordinary Courage, authored by Brene Brown. The band is called Blind Pilot and I'm in love!

Several months back, I set two very strong intentions and they were: writing and performing. During my current renewing phase, I am re-intentioning my previous intentions. Yes, that's right - I'm going to coin a new term and have my own re-intention intentioning session. It will ensure that I can play the guitar until the tips of my fingers are sore and calloused, sing my heart out for hours at a time, connect with other artists, and designate quiet time in which to write, darn it. I also want to find a few people who want to be in a band and travel with me. I'm going to work on that for next year - my own little tour through the South and beyond.

Coming soon will be more blogs about Mississippi travels along with the interviews and video footage we've been gathering from the Delta.


jacksongirl said...

I will totally go on the road with you, even if I am just a Pip to your Gladys Knight!

Grits-N-Soul said...

:) I thought you might be up for it. I'm serious...I'm going to do this.

Katie McClendon said...

Can I be a roadie?

Grits-N-Soul said...

Katie - you can. We are gonna have so much fun!

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