02 October 2010

The Chicken Strikes Back

Happy Saturday!

While you are probably sleeping in past the hour of 7 a.m. this morning, me and my friend Andi, will soon be on the road to the town of Osyka, Mississippi (pronounced O-sie-ka).

Where's that, you ask?

If you are traveling down I-55, you'll find it's just off Exit 1, right before you hit the Louisiana line.  The reason both Andi and I are so excited about this trip can be summed up in one word (ok, two and a half):  Chicken Cook-off!

Months ago, while I was in the midst of writing the Mississippi Culinary Trail, there was an email forwarded to me about this event that coincides with their Fall Festival and could I add it to the Trail?  I spoke to Kim with the Osyka Civic Club at length and she was was thrilled beyond measure about the festivities. She then asked me if I would be a food judge.  I didn't have to think twice about that.  Of course!  

Andi is getting roped into helping with some of the judging process and also helping pick the Best Decorated Kitchen set-up.  This experience is a no-brainer on so many levels...

The Chickin' Fixin' Competition teams have been meticulously preparing their dishes to present to me and three other judges who will be on hand to taste, smell and ultimately judge their chicken creations.

It's obvious to see why this is such an adventure for us.  Have you ever heard of Osyka?  Yeah, me neither really besides Culinary Trail entry.  Have you ever been?  Nope, me neither.  Small town Mississippi?  Yes, please!  

This is going to prove to be a fun day for sure!  Kim told us to fast for a couple of days because there would be so much food.  Whoa.

Osyka's Fall Festival is happening today from 8:00am to 5:30pm, with food and craft booths, free musical entertainment and kid-friendly activities.  And don't forget about the poultry extravaganza!

Another thing I'm excited to do when we visit Osyka is Nyla's Burger Basket.  It is a Culinary Trail entry, known for their burgers, hand-dipped onion rings and cajun fries.  I've never been before so the excitement is definitely building for me...(I'm hungry already)

Have a good weekend and I'll report back on Monday!  


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