18 August 2010

Downtown Pine Bluff...the little town that was.

I only seen certain sides of Pine Bluff, Arkansas when I visit my sister and her family.  When Walter and I drove through town, the Downtown area caught my eye, so we made a point to go back after our afternoon exploring the Delta Rivers Nature Center.

This is the old 1924 Saenger Theatre - looks like it is 4 floors worth of stories and places to explore.  This can be said of all these old buildings, it's just such a shame none of them are in use.  It's such a gorgeous building.
Notice the murals painted on the walls of the building.  My previous post showed the larger murals that decorated the town buildings and here are even more.  There's one person in the photo who is not part of the mural.  Can you find him? 
Apparently Pine Bluff was a burgeoning railroad town (there is a railroad museum nearby we didn't have time to visit) and like so many places, it dried up as trains made way for automobiles and other industry replaced agricultural life. But Pine Bluff has always been a paper mill town and still is.

Murals painted on the buildings followed us all the way to the corner of the street.  Below is a great one:
Below is a great old art deco theatre where many a resident stood in line to see the latest picture show.  For whatever reason, I didn't take a better photo of the aviation mural on the side of the movie house.
It's times like these, that I wish very hard to be independently wealthy so I buy and revitalize these lovely old gems.
Ah, current movie prices.  If only!
Pine Bluff had a film festival at one time.  Would have been a great place to experience an indie flick.  (Who knew the word "today" used to be hyphenated?)
 There's the courthouse in the distance.  It's really a pretty Downtown.
Cool old drugstore sign.  It looked like it might still be open for business.
Pop's Barber Shop was still open for business.

What draws you to explore a town or city? 

Next time we head that way, we're going to visit the Railroad Museum.  It looked really cool!

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