25 April 2010

The Week (and month) Ahead

On May 10, The Guv'nah will announce the birth of the Culinary Trail.  

I'm as serious as a heart attack (and doing a happy dance!). 
It's a bouncing, breathing baby [culinary trail?] with legs and all.  The itineraries will be on the web with a nifty interactive map.  (Not like what's there right now which ain't much-a nuthin', although the recipes are pretty cool.)  

I can't wait to see it and will share the link when it is up.  It is surreal to be at a point of relative closure!

Now that the bulk of the writing and research is out of the way (kinda sorta), it gives us (me) plenty of time to make a list of places to visit, people to interview and foodways to capture on video.  

I'm also looking forward to potential collaboration with a couple of other groups in the process to gather oral histories and video footage.  There's also another project or two in zygote form...More on all that when it is set in mud.

I read some blog advice somewhere recommending that you don't ever need to apologize on your blog about not posting.  People say it all the time and I don't remember why she said not to - and you see, now I'm losing focus...  

Well, it's been a minute since I've posted - lots going on around here while juggling a few deadlines, Crossroads Film Festival (W & I are board members; I had two gigs that weekend:  one at the Festival's opening reception and a St. Andrew's Parish party), wrapping up the Culinary Trail and going to Cleveland this weekend.

I will post pictures and video soon from the Film Festival reception. 
 W, me and our friend, Chris M.  
 Love this pic below!
My friend, Daniel was kind enough to come by the reception and snap a few pictures of us and shoot some footage of the performance. Yay!  It ended up being Anna Kline + friends - with my buddies Lizzie Wright and Emily Baker joining me on some O, Brother Where Art Thou? tunes and other things.  Emily's friend, Cindy Woolf, was in town with her partner in crime, Mike, who played upright bass.  They joined in on some tunes and I invited them to play a few while I took a break.  I love the energy in collaborating with other people.
Above picture taken by Karen Guilder 
Our sweet friend Dawn gave us a gift certificate to Christina Foto as a wedding gift, so W said it was ok by him if I used it for a studio session.  Thursday I got some photos taken to use for headshots and press kits.   So, I look forward to seeing how they turned out.

Now about Cleveland:  I'm heading to Delta State University's Delta Music Institute to record for two days.  Professor and songwriter, Tricia Walker, has been kind enough to help me get a little studio time to record some new music.  Have I mentioned yet how excited I am?!

I am backlogged with photos and posts.  They will surface soon!

1 comment:

neola said...

Anna, I JUST read this. The Culinary Trail!! This is so exciting! Holler if you ever need company for field trips. :)

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