14 April 2010

Chitos with Carpe

A new foodie friend makes for fun lunchtime adventures and you can read about our lunch excursion here at her blog:  Carpe Jackson.

The two folks we met at Chitos were so kind and helpful.  They showed us how to eat the food and I was so excited to try fou fou (which was a mound of gelatinous rice and it is tastier to eat with your fingers like they showed us).  

Fou fou + egusi soup is likened to crackers + tamales.
My egusi soup was ... different.  It is a dish that had a miso-soup type flavor (I'm wondering if it was the ground seeds) to it with a nice, slow burn to it.  I am an adventurous eater and will try most anything but it honestly tested both my palate's boundaries and my tolerance for mystery meat with bones.  (We later deducted out it was fish with the skin)  It was tasty but I got a little tired of the fishiness level of spiciness to it but the fishy taste took a while to get out of my mouth.

I must say that the plantains they sent home with us are delicious.  I was expecting something sweet, but these were savory - they tasted a little curried and were so soft.

The moi moi was very flavorful.  That's what I'm getting next time! 

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